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How to look after your gums


Importance of Looking After your Gums

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy body and mind. It not only gives you a confident smile but also helps to prevent a range of oral health problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. To maintain good oral hygiene, it is crucial to focus on your gums and teeth health.

Focus on Gum Health

Gum health is often overlooked, but it plays a crucial role in your overall oral hygiene. Poor gum health can lead to many problems, from bleeding gums and bad breath to more serious health issues like heart disease and stroke. That’s why it’s so important to focus on gum health and make it a priority in your daily oral hygiene routine.

This guide will delve into the importance of gum health and provide practical tips for maintaining healthy gums. From understanding the causes of gum disease to implementing simple steps to keep your gums in tip-top shape, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common problem that affects many people, but proper oral hygiene can be prevented and treated. The following are some of the most common causes of gum disease:

Plaque Build-Up

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that accumulates on your teeth and gums. If left to build up, it can cause inflammation and infection in your gums, leading to gum disease. Brushing twice a day, flossing and using mouthwash can help to prevent plaque build-up.

Tobacco Use

Tobacco use, whether it be smoking or chewing, is a major cause of gum disease. It causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, which can harm gum tissue and make it more susceptible to disease. Quitting tobacco use is the best way to protect your gums.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as those experienced during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can cause gums to become more sensitive and prone to disease. Maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly can help prevent and treat gum disease.

Poor Nutrition

A diet that is high in sugar and processed foods and low in nutrients can contribute to gum disease. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help keep your gums healthy.

By understanding the causes of gum disease, you can take steps to prevent it and maintain good gum health. Regular dental check-ups and a consistent oral hygiene routine are essential for preventing and treating gum disease.

Steps to Maintain Gum Health

Good gum health starts with a consistent oral hygiene routine and a balanced diet. Here are six practical steps you can take to maintain healthy gums:

Brush your Teeth Twice a Day with Fluoride Toothpaste.

Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is essential to maintaining good gum health. Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel on your teeth and prevent tooth decay, while brushing removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums.

Floss Daily to Remove Plaque

Flossing daily is an effective way to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gum line, where a toothbrush cannot reach. Flossing helps to prevent gum disease by removing harmful bacteria from your mouth.

Use Mouthwash to Kill Bacteria

Using mouthwash as part of your oral hygiene routine can help to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Look for a mouthwash that contains antimicrobial ingredients to help reduce the risk of gum disease.

Visit the Dentist Regularly for Check-Ups and Cleanings.

Visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings is an important part of maintaining good gum health. Your dentist will be able to identify any early signs of gum disease and provide the necessary treatment to keep your gums healthy.

Eat a Balanced Diet and Limit Sugary Foods

A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help keep your gums healthy. Limiting sugary foods and drinks can also reduce the risk of gum disease, as sugar provides a food source for the bacteria that cause gum disease.

Quit Smoking or Using Tobacco Products

Quitting smoking or using tobacco products is the best way to protect your gums and overall health. Tobacco use is a major cause of gum disease and can also increase the risk of several serious health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

By following these simple steps, you can maintain healthy gums and a bright, confident smile. Good gum health is essential to overall health and well-being, so make it a priority in your daily routine!

Prevention and Treatment of Gum Disease

If you suspect that you may have gum disease, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat and prevent further damage.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a standard treatments for gum disease. This procedure involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth and roots and smoothing the roots to prevent future plaque buildup.

Medications, such as Antibiotics

In some cases, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to help control bacterial infection. Antibiotics can be applied topically or taken orally, depending on the severity of the infection.

Surgery in Severe Cases

In severe cases of gum disease, surgery may be necessary. This can include procedures such as flap surgery, bone or tissue grafts, and regenerative procedures to restore gum health.

Adopting a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine

Adopting a consistent oral hygiene routine is the most important step in preventing and treating gum disease. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, using mouthwash, eating a balanced diet and limiting sugary foods, and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

You can ensure that your gums stay healthy and strong for life by taking the necessary steps to prevent and treat gum disease.

How To Look After Your Gums: How Beech Cottage Dental Can Help You

In conclusion, maintaining good gum health is crucial to oral hygiene. Understanding the causes of gum disease, recognising the early warning signs, and taking the necessary steps to prevent and treat the disease are essential for keeping your gums healthy and strong.

At Beech Cottage Dental Practice in Newcastle, we understand the importance of gum health and are dedicated to helping our patients achieve and maintain healthy gums. Our team of experienced dentists and dental professionals are trained to diagnose and treat gum disease using the latest techniques and technologies. Whether you need a routine check-up or a more complex treatment plan, we are here to help.

So, if you want to maintain good gum health, look no further than Beech Cottage Dental Practice. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to a healthy smile!

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